It was a pleasure to receive this certificate from the University of Houston – Clear Lake appreciating our continued work for their studying abroad programs in Oman.

The University of Houston- Clear Lake Appreciating Badar Al Yazeedi

We are so honored and proud of the comments of the earlier participants on how the trips impacted and changed their life after they experienced the culture and the people. Engagement with our staff is our biggest achievement and always raises challenges for the next trips.

With attention to every detail, Panorama Travel’s team enhanced the studying abroad programs from the loge preparation, pre-departure briefing, and throughout the program.


UHCL 2017 Studying Abroad Program visiting the new discovered SQU iron age archaeological site at Saham with the SQU site expert

Panorama Travels Team put hands-on based on relations expertise to sets visits with well-known academic organizations such as Sultan Qaboos University, gov. and private organizations public figures, high and gov. officials, experts, unique projects, and even royal sites in a way that fits the topic and tours to landmarks, souks, forts, desert mountains, attend a royal opera performance and chill in Oman resorts.